We are delighted to inform you that in 2024, we organize the ELTE Budapest Summer University on campus and online in July. BSU offers 10 courses on campus and 5 courses online to participants.
Application deadline: 31 May 2024
The number of participants is limited, so apply today to secure your place. In case of over application, we use special selection criteria (see in the course descriptions).
Date: 15-21th of July or 22-28 July– offer 2-3-4 ECTS (see in the course descriptions)
Course fee per 1-week course is 490 EUR (including tuition fee, course materials, lunch and coffee breaks, local transport, leisure time activities every day and weekend excursion).
To ensure your place, you are required to pay 90 EUR (out of the overall 490 EUR) as registration fee at registration.
If you need a visa, we can send you a Letter of Acceptance that you can use for your visa application process. (see in application form)
Date: 15- 28th of July– offers 6 ECTS
Course fee per 2-week course is 980 EUR (including tuition fee, course materials, lunch and coffee breaks, local transport, leisure time activities every day and weekend excursion).
To ensure your place, you are required to pay 100 EUR (out of the overall 980 EUR) as registration fee at the registration.
If you need a visa, we can send you a Letter of Acceptance that you can use for your visa application process. (see in application form)
Date: 15-19th of July offer 2-3-4 ECTS (see at the course description)
Course fee per 1-week course is 280 EUR (including tuition fee and course materials). No extra cost.
To ensure your place, you are required to pay 80 EUR (out of the overall 280 EUR) as registration fee at registration.
Date: 15- 28th of July– offers 6 ECTS
Course fee per 2-week course is 560 EUR (including tuition fee, course materials). No extra cost.
To ensure your place, you are required to pay 100 EUR (out of the overall 560 EUR) as registration fee at the registration.
Contact: budapestsummer@elte.hu